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An efficient surface registration using smartphone

Machine and Vision Applications 2016

Tomislav Pribanic, Yago Díez, Ferran Roure and Joaquim Salvi

A Study on the Robustness of Shape Descriptors to common scanning artifacts

14th IAPR International Conference on Machine Vision Applications (IAPR-MVA) 2015

Ferran Roure, Yago Díez, Xavier Lladó, Josep Forest, Tomislav Pribanic and Joaquim Salvi


An Experimental Benchmark for Point Set Coarse Matching

10th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP) 2015

Ferran Roure, Yago Díez, Xavier Lladó, Josep Forest, Tomislav Pribanic and Joaquim Salvi

A Qualitative Review on 3D Coarse Registration Methods

ACM Computing Surveys 2015

DOI: 10.1145/2692160

Yago Díez, Ferran Roure, Xavier Lladó and Joaquim Salvi

Hierarchical Radiosity for Procedural Urban Environments​

Eurographics Workshop on Urban Data Modelling and Visualisation 2014

Ferran Roure and Gonzalo Besuievsky and Gustavo Patow

Il·luminació Global per Ciutats

Master Tesis

Ferran Roure

Modelatge Procedural d'Edificis

Final Degree Project

Ferran Roure

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Montilivi Campus, P4 Building

17071 Girona (Catalonia - Spain)

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